Did you miss Matt Bloom with UHC for our Fidelis How-To Series? The Fidelis How-To Series offers meaningful topics that are intended to help sharpen your skills and can be
Tag: Webinar
Carrier SNP Product Spotlights: Aetna
Looking for a competitive D-SNP product? One that partners with Denver Health? Listen back to our webinar and learn more about Aetna’s D-SNP with James Ewing on our upcoming Fidelis
Carrier SNP Product Spotlights: Clear Spring Health
Protecting Members with Diabetes or Chronic Heart Conditions, Benefits of the C-SNP Product Listen back to our webinar presented by David Gresl, CO Market Manager! Never Miss an Update by
Carrier SNP Product Spotlights: Cigna
Serving Our D-SNP Community and Review of the Partial D-SNP Listen back to our webinar presented by Christine Lombardi-Lewin, Broker Sales Manager at Cigna! Never Miss an Update by
Boost Your Sales Skills with Final Expense!
Fidelis agents, you asked, and we heard you! Please join us for a Final Expense training from one of our go-to carriers in the field. Greg Esposito with GTL will

National Webinar: Strategies for the General Election Period and D-SNP Opportunities
How to take full advantage of the General Enrollment Period and Medicaid opportunities!

National Webinar: How to Plan 90 / 60 / 30 Days from October 1st
Mark Your Calendars for Our “One-Stop” AEP Prep Webinar!

Revolutionize Med Supp with John Colbaugh: Exclusive Fidelis Round Table!
Don’t miss out on the exclusive round table discussion with John Colbaugh: exploring Med Supp options exclusively for Fidelis!

AARP® Medicare Supplement Bootcamp with UHC
Join us for a two-part AARP® Medicare Supplement Bootcamp designed just for you!

National Webinar: Veterans in Medicare
You don’t want to miss our upcoming May national webinar that focuses on our Veterans in Medicare, led by Ron Williams.

National Webinar: Using Technology to Grow Your Sales
Join our guest speaker Anna Patrick as she shares the latest technology available and how an agent can use it to be more efficient and grow their sales!
MedicareCENTER & PURL Training with Karrie DeVore
Join our Local Sales Director, Karrie DeVore, to discuss Call Recording, MedicareCENTER, and How to Use Your PURL to Promote and Build Your Book of Business.