Did you miss Matt Bloom with UHC for our Fidelis How-To Series? The Fidelis How-To Series offers meaningful topics that are intended to help sharpen your skills and can be
Tag: National Webinar
Carrier SNP Product Spotlights: Aetna
Looking for a competitive D-SNP product? One that partners with Denver Health? Listen back to our webinar and learn more about Aetna’s D-SNP with James Ewing on our upcoming Fidelis
Carrier SNP Product Spotlights: Clear Spring Health
Protecting Members with Diabetes or Chronic Heart Conditions, Benefits of the C-SNP Product Listen back to our webinar presented by David Gresl, CO Market Manager! Never Miss an Update by
Carrier SNP Product Spotlights: Cigna
Serving Our D-SNP Community and Review of the Partial D-SNP Listen back to our webinar presented by Christine Lombardi-Lewin, Broker Sales Manager at Cigna! Never Miss an Update by
Boost Your Sales Skills with Final Expense!
Fidelis agents, you asked, and we heard you! Please join us for a Final Expense training from one of our go-to carriers in the field. Greg Esposito with GTL will

National Webinar: Strategies for the General Election Period and D-SNP Opportunities
How to take full advantage of the General Enrollment Period and Medicaid opportunities!

National Webinar: Growing Your Medicare Business Using Strategic Marketing
There are many options to promote, advertise, or market yourself and/or your plans, and the right combination of these efforts will help you reach your audience. As a Fidelis Agent or Agency Partner, you don’t have to do it all by yourself.

National Webinar: How to Plan 90 / 60 / 30 Days from October 1st
Mark Your Calendars for Our “One-Stop” AEP Prep Webinar!

Revolutionize Med Supp with John Colbaugh: Exclusive Fidelis Round Table!
Don’t miss out on the exclusive round table discussion with John Colbaugh: exploring Med Supp options exclusively for Fidelis!

National Webinar: Veterans in Medicare
You don’t want to miss our upcoming May national webinar that focuses on our Veterans in Medicare, led by Ron Williams.

Fidelis National Webinar: Cross-Selling with Medico
Join us and our guest speaker, Melissa Gwennap, National Sales Distribution Manager for Medico Insurance Company, to discuss cross-selling of their product lines and how it will benefit your clients.