Let’s Talk CRMs for Agents

What Is a CRM?

Customer Relationship Management software, or a CRM, helps businesses manage their interactions with customers and potential customers. The goal of a CRM is to strategically connect with customers to grow your business. Here are a few benefits to utilizing a CRM;

  • Organize and segment data
  • Improve your marketing
  • Track interactions and leads
  • And more!

How Do They Benefit Insurance Agents?

As an insurance agent, CRM software helps you keep track of your clients’ information and your interactions. A big update is released, and you want to let your clients know? Blast a message or email with the help of a CRM! Need to look up information on a client you haven’t talked to in a while? It’ll be stored in your handy CRM!

Let’s talk about some of the helpful benefits that CRM software can provide! Most platforms have similar tools. Here we will dive in to how they work within these platforms. While there are many software options, a few could be beneficial specifically to insurance agents with their tool kits.

CRM #1 Zoho

Customization: It’s important that your CRM software can be tailored to suit your business needs as it evolves. Zoho offers a ton of customizable features with their CRM software. When viewing client’s information, you can create custom views to see exactly what you want.

Mobile App: Take your business with you, wherever you are! Being able to manage your clients on the go is a great benefit of CRMs. A cool perk of Zoho’s mobile app is the business card scanner. You can scan a business card, and it will upload the information as a contact on the CRM!

Omnichannel Communication: First, what does omnichannel mean? It’s a business strategy that focuses on improving the client/customer experience by providing a consistent and seamless experience across channels and platforms. On Zoho, you can integrate your emails, calls, sales, meetings, leads – all in one CRM!

CRM #2 Salesforce

Security: CRMs have to be trusted with client’s information, so they come with data security software. With the Salesforce CRM, your stored data is monitored, encrypted, and classified. At a glance, you can see in-active, frozen, never contacted users – checking this out helps keep your data clean and organized. Another benefit of a secure CRM is the ability to back up and restore your data.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Let’s talk about AI, it can be a great resource to have! With the power of AI, CRMs can utilize predictions to identify patterns, predict outcomes, create customized marketing, and more. It’s not there to replace your work but to enhance it.

CRM #3 Pipedrive

Pipeline Management: Have you heard of the sales pipeline? It essentially helps you track and get a clear view of the client’s journey through your business. With Pipedrive, you can customize this view, add automations, view key metrics, and more! You can create custom pipelines for different markets as well.

Benefits For Small Businesses: Running your own small business can be a lot of work! CRMs help to get more things done. With Pipedrive, and most CRMs, you have around-the-clock support at your fingertips. Get the support your business needs when it needs it!

CRM #4 MedicareCENTER

At Fidelis, our agents have access to Integrity’s CRM software, MedicareCENTER. Since this was built specifically for Medicare Agents, they have a huge focus on compliance. You can spend time on your clients and business while staying compliant.

MedicareCENTER & Medicare: CRMs are great for managing your clientel and business. With MedicareCENTER you have the value of compliance and insurance industry knowledge. Here are a few resources available:

  • Side-by-Side Plan Comparison
  • Call Recording
  • Predictive Tagging
  • Integrated Quoting & Enrollment
  • And More!

Keeping It Easy For Everyone: Something incredibly easy about utilizing MedicareCENTER, is that you’ll have ONE universal login. From prescription drug lists to scope of appointments, it’s all there! Take care of your clients with the hassle of multiple places to go.

In Closing

All these CRMs are great, we just talked about some common benefits of having one. Make sure you don’t miss an opportunity by having the helpful support of a CRM. You can count on having:

  • Customized views and markets
  • Data on-the-go with mobile apps
  • Omnichannel communication
  • Secure data
  • Enhanced experiences with AI
  • Pipeline management
  • Small business benefits
  • And more!

You will have to take the time to learn and understand your CRM software, the pay-off will be worth it.

Want to know if a CRM could benefit you? Contact your local Fidelis Sales Director today!


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