Hosting both educational and sales events are integral parts of being an insurance agent. It can be tricky to make sure you are adhering to all the CMS regulations for specific types of events. Let’s dive in to the details for both types. Here are the marketing regulations and a few guidelines on hosting these events.
Educational Events – Marketing
The purpose of educational Medicare events are to inform and educate beneficiaries about Medicare Advantage, Prescription Drug, or other Medicare programs. When marketing educational events, all materials must clearly state that the event is “educational.” Be sure to also include the following disclaimers:
- “For accommodations of persons with special needs at meetings call [phone number and TTY number].”
- “This event is only for educational purposes and no plan-specific benefits or details will be shared.”
- “We do not offer every plan available in your area. Currently we represent [insert number of organizations] organizations which offer [insert number of plans] products in your area. Please contact, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all of your options.”
Educational Events – During the Event
Let’s talk about a couple of dos & don’ts for when you are at the event.
Do These
- Give out your business card and contact information for beneficiaries to initiate contact.
- Make available and collect BRCs and permission to contact forms.
- Answer any questions (provided the response doesn’t go beyond the scope of the question asked).
- Display materials and items to attract beneficiaries. You may not approach beneficiaries, however.
- Offer light refreshments, such as snacks & drinks, or promotional items staying under the $15 nominal value limit.
Don’t Do These
- Schedule future marketing (individual sales) appointments.
- Provide SOA forms, any kind of application, or marketing materials for specific plans.
- Have a sign-in sheet.
- Discuss plan-specific information.
- Hold these events at in-home or one-on-one settings.
- Steer, or attempt to steer, potential enrollees toward a specific plan or limited number of plans.
Sales Events – Marketing
The purpose of Medicare sales events is to discuss specific plans and potentially guide consumers towards them. It’s a great way to find clients and also let’s them come to you. There are two types of sales events:
- Formal Sales Events: Specific plan information is presented to an invited audience.
- Informal Sales Events: Agents provide plan information upon request while stationed at a booth or table.
Keep these disclaimers in mind too:
- “For accommodations of persons with special needs at meetings call [phone number and TTY number].”
- “Not affiliated with or endorsed by the government or federal Medicare program.”
- “We do not offer every plan available in your area. Currently we represent [insert number of organizations] organizations which offer [insert number of plans] products in your area. Please contact, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all of your options.”
Sales Events – During the Event
Let’s talk about a couple of dos & don’ts for when you are at the event.
Do These
- Register your event with the respective carriers – reach out to your Fidelis Sales Director if you need assistance!
- Collect enrollment forms, scopes of appointment, BRCs, and permission to contact forms – you just cannot require them.
- Share the plans and products you’ll be discussing prior to.
- Provide snacks or promotional items of nominal value ($15), make sure it’s not a meal.
Don’t Do These
- Distribute marketing materials not provided or approved by the carrier.
- Require attendees to sign in – this can be optional but you can’t require it.
- Use superlative verbiage, such as saying “this is the best plan!”
- Require attendees to fill out enrollment forms while there.
- Conduct targeting activities such as health screenings or health surveys.
It should also be noted that agents are not allowed to host a sales event within 12 hours of an educational event in the same building or any adjoining building. There are penalties for violations, so be sure to schedule accordingly!
Fidelis Agents have access to helpful compliance resources. Have questions for the Compliance Team?
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